La basura y los envases se llenan de agua estancada donde se reproducen los mosquitos. El objetivo de la sesión es identificar métodos innovadores y efectivos para evitar que la acumulación de desechos y los depósitos de agua se conviertan en más fuentes de reproducción de mosquitos.
Los problemas fueron expuestos en un informe resumido con el objetivo de describir la causa del problema, los enfoques actuales en los diferentes países y las lecciones aprendidas de otros campos.
Involve communities in locating and removing litter
Resource Offset: This is low to no cost with only a small outlay for coordination and significant potential for savings in sanitation costs
Jeff Kirschner, Litterati, Daniel Lombrana, Crowdcrafting
Use drones to identify and map areas with accumulated trash
Resource Offset: This requires an investment in hardware. But money can be saved by sharing the use of surveillance drones designed for other purposes
Joe Eyerman, RTI international
Commit to private-public partnerships (PPP’s) with manufacturers to reduce trash accumulation
Resource Offset: The costs of container remediation are borne by the private sector
Dr. Graham Alabaster, World Health Organization
Collect trash in hard-to-reach areas using adaptive vehicles
Resource Offset: Cost of removing trash using alternative vehicles could be offset through use of those tax revenues used to pay for trash collection; this collection could also be done by the communities themselves, with communities earning revenues by selling recyclables to recycling companies
Dr. Graham Alabaster, World Health Organization